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Notes on the Regressive Left, Part V

Posted By David Rand On 2018-02-19 @ 18:16 In | No Comments

The Vicious Circle of Islamophilia


An infographic which illustrates how a certain left, by treating all Muslims, even Islamofascists, as a discriminated minority, then by abandoning secularism and criticism of religion, thus strengthens the political right by enflaming religious bigotry—which then causes hostility towards and discrimination against Muslims. Thus, the regressive left feeds off its own gross errors.

Sommaire en français Une infographie qui montre comment une certaine gauche, qui considère l’ensemble des Musulmans, même les islamofascistes, comme une minorité discriminée, en est venue à abandonner la laïcité et la critique des religions, renforçant ainsi la droite politique et attisant les préjugés religieux. Le résultat : de l’antipathie et de la discrimination contre les Musulmans. Ainsi, la gauche régressive s’alimente de ses propres erreurs grossières. La version française de l’infographie suit la version anglaise sur cette page.

The Vicious Circle of Islamophilia, How the Left Becomes Regressive [1]Click to enlarge Also available as a PDF file [2]

Le cercle vicieux de l’islamophilie, Comment la gauche devient régressive [3]Cliquer pour agrandir Disponible sous forme PDF [4] aussi

Next blog: Religious Symbols and the Montreal Police [5]

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Article printed from David Rand: https://blog.davidrand.ca

URL to article: https://blog.davidrand.ca/notes-regressive-left-v-vicious-circle/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: https://blog.davidrand.ca/images/infographics/vicious_circle_en_v3.png

[2] available as a PDF file: https://blog.davidrand.ca/pdf/infographics/vicious_circle_en_v3.pdf

[3] Image: https://blog.davidrand.ca/images/infographics/vicious_circle_fr_v3.png

[4] Disponible sous forme PDF: https://blog.davidrand.ca/pdf/infographics/vicious_circle_fr_v3.pdf

[5] Religious Symbols and the Montreal Police: https://blog.davidrand.ca/religious-symbols-montreal-police/

[6] : https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.davidrand.ca%2Fnotes-regressive-left-v-vicious-circle%2F

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