- David Rand - https://blog.davidrand.ca -
Summary: The Islamist Veil
Posted By David Rand On 2019-08-12 @ 14:27 In | 1 Comment
A summary of my analysis of the implications of the Islamist veil.
Sommaire en français Un résumé de mon analyse des implications du voile islamiste.
For future reference, I have decided to summarize here an analysis of the Islamist veil and its implications. I could call it the “Islamic veil” instead, but the word “Islamic” applies to Islam in general. However the veil is much more closely associated with the fundamentalist and radical variant of Islam known as Islamism or political Islam, and it is for that reason that I refer to it as “Islamist.” That veil is, after all, a political symbol even more than a religious one. It comes in several versions of course: hijab, chador, burkini, niqab, burqa, etc. This blog summarizes and builds on my previous blog Notes on the Islamist Veil [1].
Some essential points:
In summary, Islamists treat women in general with contempt and they use veiled women in particular as tools for their political purposes. Recall that Islam is arguably the most misogynistic of all major religions, and that political Islam is a fundamentalist variant which takes that misogyny to an extreme.
Finally, it must be emphasized that all of the above observations about the Islamist veil apply regardless of the mentality of the woman flaunting it. The objective meaning of the veil does not depend on the thoughts of the bearer. She may be naïve, she may be totally unaware of the implications of the accoutrement she has “chosen” to display or been forced to display or, on the other hand, she may be fully cognizant that she is effectively supporting political Islam. In all cases, she is just one more veiled woman, one more walking advertisement for one of the most dangerous extreme right-wing movements on our planet.
Thus, the wearing of the Islamist veil should be discouraged and it should be banned where appropriate to do so. There are three main contexts (this list may not be exhaustive) where banning is appropriate:
In other situations, the wearing of the Islamist veil should be tolerated for reasons of personal freedom, but it should be neither endorsed nor encouraged—and certainly not celebrated as some governments (such as Canada) foolishly do.
Next blog: This Does NOT Promote Child Health [3]
Article printed from David Rand: https://blog.davidrand.ca
URL to article: https://blog.davidrand.ca/summary-islamist-veil/
URLs in this post:
[1] Notes on the Islamist Veil: https://blog.davidrand.ca/notes-islamist-veil/
[2] a tool to control women’s bodies: https://www.ledevoir.com/opinion/libre-opinion/543829/le-voile-est-un-moyen-de-controle-du-corps-de-la-femme
[3] This Does NOT Promote Child Health: https://blog.davidrand.ca/this-does-not-promote-child-health/
[4] : https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.davidrand.ca%2Fsummary-islamist-veil%2F
[5] : http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Summary%3A%20The%20Islamist%20Veil&url=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.davidrand.ca%2Fsummary-islamist-veil%2F
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