Trudeau Appoints Anti-Québécois Racist to Combat so-called ‘Islamophobia’

Amira Elghawaby will stifle criticism of Islam & Islamism and fight against secularism.


Canada’s irresponsible Prime Minister has appointed a notorious anti-Québécois racist to a well-funded office whose mandate is to combat so-called ‘Islamophobia,’ i.e. her job will be to censor blasphemy against Islam and Islamism.

Sommaire en français Le premier ministre irresponsable du Canada a nommé une raciste anti-québécoise mal famée à un poste bien financé dont le mandat est de lutter contre la soi-disant « islamophobie », c’est-à-dire que son travail consistera à censurer le blasphème contre l’islam et contre l’islamisme.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has appointed anti-Québécois bigot Amira Elghawaby as Canada’s first “Special representative on combating Islamophobia.” Elghawaby is well known for her opposition to secular legislation such as Quebec Bill 21. She worked for five years with the extremely dubious National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM). Recall that the NCCM promotes several retrograde policies, including weakening Canada’s national security agencies, which would make it easier for political Islam to infiltrate the country.

In 2021, University of Toronto philosophy professor Joseph Heath authored an article, published in the Globe & Mail, in which he observed that the American model of race relations does not at all apply to Canada and that, in particular, “the largest group of people in this country who were victimized by British colonialism, subjugated and incorporated into confederation by force, are French Canadians.” A cursory review of Canadian history is more than enough to confirm the validity of Heath’s statement: the hanging of Louis Riel, the deportation of Acadians, the activities of the Ku Klux Klan in Canada and in Maine, the closure of French-language schools in several provinces, the October Crisis of 1970, etc. And most recently, the fanatical opposition of English Canada to Quebec Bill 21.

Elghawaby was evidently outraged by professor Heath’s very reasonable declaration, because she tweeted that “I’m going to puke.” Such a statement reflects her hatred of the Québécois people. It also illustrates her desire to reserve the status of victim for herself and her Islamist colleagues who claim a monopoly on victimhood. The reality, of course, is that Islamists systematically weaponize anti-Québécois racism in order to demonize Quebec Bill 21 and the majority of Quebeckers who support it.

Ms. Elghawaby has slandered Quebec secularists by falsely alleging a link between Quebec Bill 21 and the Quebec City mosque massacre of 2017-01-29. Recall that the attack occurred years before Bill 21 was adopted and years after previous similar legislation—the Charter of Secularism proposed by the PQ government in 2013—was defeated. Similarly, she has also promoted the preposterous idea of a link between Quebec Bill 21 and the 2021-06-06 anti-Muslim attack in London, Ontario. Recall that Ontario is a different province.

Ms. Elghawaby’s incendiary pronouncements are irresponsible as they can only exacerbate social tensions which increase—not decrease—the risk of violent incidents. Secular legislation such as Quebec Bill 21 reduce social tensions by showing the population that their government is taking reasonable measures to reduce religious influence in civil institutions. Ms. Elghawaby, on the other hand, does everything she can to inflame such tensions.

Elghawaby’s office will have an initial budget of $5.6 million. As her mandate is to fight against so-called ‘Islamophobia,’ what this means in practice is that those funds will be used to censor criticism of Islam and Islamism and to propagate hatred of critics of those ideologies. Recall that the tendentious term ‘Islamophobia’ is basically a synonym for blasphemy against Islam. Recall as well that Islam specifies the death penalty for apostasy, i.e. leaving the faith, thus making it incompatible with fundamental freedoms. Furthermore, the Islamic religion, both in the quran and in various hadiths, propagates hatred of women, Jews, homosexuals, believers in other religions and non-believers. To fear Islam is certainly not a “phobia.” Rather, to fear Islam—especially its fundamentalist variant Islamism—is both prudent and necessary.

Furthermore, recall that Bill 21 puts no restriction whatsoever on freedom of belief. Rather, that law puts a restriction on freedom of religious expression (not belief) for civil servants in positions of authority and for public school teachers and principals, so as to provide civil service users and schoolchildren with an environment free from religious proselytism. Bill 21 applies only while on the job. There is no restriction whatsoever when the civil servant is not at work. Elghawaby’s refusal to accept this very reasonable restriction indicates that she is a religious fanatic—the worst sort of person whom the government could appoint to a position dealing with human rights.

Clearly, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is an incompetent fool to have made such an unwise appointment.

I happen to be familiar with Amira Elghawaby and her unctuous manners. I personally participated in two panel discussions recorded for the “Canadian Justice” television show in 2020 and 2021, panels in which I was the only person who supported Bill 21, outnumbered by the other panelists (including Ms. Elghawaby) and by the hosts of the show.

Sixth Anniversary of the Quebec City Mosque Attack

Recall that 29th January 2023 (tomorrow, relative to the date of this blog) is the sixth anniversary of that horrific attack on a mosque in Quebec City where six persons were killed and several other seriously wounded. We need to recall certain facts:

  • Islam and its fundamentalist variant Islamism are indeed dangerous ideologies as explained above.
  • Anti-Muslim violence, in addition to being utterly unconscionable and barbaric, is the worst possible response to that danger. Such violence only strengthens the hand of Islamists.
  • Incidents of anti-Muslim violence, such as the 2017 mosque attack, are unrelated to secular legislation, such as Quebec Bill 21, except to the extent that such legislation helps to reduce social tensions, thus reducing the risk of such violence.

Islamists and their dupes unscrupulously attempt to use such anti-Muslim violence as a propaganda tool against secular legislation. See, for example, my blog “No, We Are Not Guilty”, written at the time of the third anniversary of the attack.

See also:

Next blog: Burden of Proof

Bias in 2021 Election Leaders’ Debate

The Quebec Conseil de presse rules that moderator Shachi Kurl was biased.


The Conseil de presse du Québec has ruled that moderator Shachi Kurl and CBC News lacked impartiality at the leaders’ debate, during the 2021 federal election campaign. Kurl asked a “question” which was in fact a specious and dishonest accusation of “racism” against Bill 21.

Sommaire en français La modératrice Shachi Kurl qui a posé une “question” qui était en réalité une spécieuse et malhonnête accusation de “racisme” contre la Loi 21 est l’objet d’une plainte retenue par le Conseil de presse du Québec.

During the 2021 Canadian federal election, a leaders’ debate in English was broadcast on several television networks on the evening of 9 septembre. The moderator of the debate was Shachi Kurl, president of the polling agency Angus Reid Institute.

In reponse to a complaint filed against CBC News and Ms. Kurl, the Quebec Conseil de presse ruled on 28 octobre 2022 that both had indeed lacked impartiality during the leaders’ debate. Kurl asked a “question” which was in fact an accusation of “racism” against Bill 21. Here is the transcript of the question/accusation for which CBC News and Ms. Kurl have been reprimanded:

“Mister Blanchet, to you. You deny that Québec has problems with racism, yet you defend legislations such as Bills 96 and 21 which marginalize religious minorities, anglophones and allophones. Québec is recognized as a distinct society, but for those outside the province, please help them understand why your party also supports these discriminatory laws.”

I wrote about this incident in a previous blog. This is how I summarized the situation:

“the association of Bill 21 with ‘racism’ which is part of Shachi Kurl’s ‘question’ is standard practice for the law’s opponents. Although the law obviously has nothing whatsoever to do with race or racism, opponents like Kurl irrationally and dishonestly conflate race with religion. This allows them to make specious accusations of racism, because defamation is their primary weapon in their war against secularism. Their constant use of such slander against secularists is proof of the vacuity of their arguments.”

This decision criticizing CBC News and Ms. Kurl, although little more than symbolic, is nevertheless very good news, because it shows recognition that slander and anti-Québécois bigotry are indeed tools used by opponents of secularism in order to vilify Quebec Bill 21.


Next blog: Fourteen Observations about Post-Leftism

La vraie nature de la BCHA

Des prises de positions anti-laïques et irresponsables


Suffit-il de s’opposer à la prière au Parlement canadien pour se prétendre séculier ?

Summary in English Is it enough to oppose the recitation of prayer in the Canadian Parliament in order to support secularism?

Dans le texte Le Parlement fédéral ne respecte pas la Charte, paru dans Le Devoir le 15 septembre 2022, nous apprenons que l’Association des humanistes de la Colombie-Britannique (BCHA ou British Columbia Humanist Association) s’oppose à la prière à la Chambre des communes. C’est très bien. S’agit-il d’une association alliée des laïques québécois ? Dans le même texte, l’auteure dénonce aussi l’incompréhension des députés fédéraux à l’égard de la Loi 21.

Ce qui n’est pas mentionné dans ce texte, c’est que cette même BCHA s’oppose, elle aussi, à la Loi 21. Non seulement cela, mais cette BCHA est parmi les opposants les plus farouches et les plus toxiques de la Loi 21, malgré sa prétention d’appuyer le sécularisme. En effet, cette association accuse la Loi 21 de vouloir imposer « le contrôle du gouvernement sur les choix vestimentaires personnels des individus ». Apparemment, cette association juge que les uniformes seraient incompatibles avec l’humanisme. Les officiers de police (hommes ou femmes) devraient-ils avoir des « choix vestimentaires personnels » lorsqu’ils s’habillent pour aller travailler ? La BCHA prend une position extrême, s’opposant même à l’interdiction du port du couvre-visage par les fonctionnaires au travail.

La BCHA préconise l’oxymorique « multiculturalisme séculier ». Selon elle, la critique du terme « islamophobie » ne serait que de la pédanterie. La BCHA ne s’oppose pas à la motion M-103 qui confond « islamophobie » et « racisme ».

La critique que fait la BCHA de la Loi 21 est mensongère, car l’association prétend que cette législation nuirait en particulier aux « personnes de couleur ». Selon la BCHA, le tueur de la mosquée de Québec était motivé par « l’idéologie du nationalisme blanc ». On voit que la BCHA amalgame ainsi « race » et religion, évacuant ainsi la question de la liberté de conscience que doit défendre la laïcité.

Alors, à la lumière des observations ci-dessus, la BCHA serait-elle une association laïque ou séculière ? Résumons :

  • En s’opposant à la Loi 21, la BCHA s’oppose à la laïcité dans la jurisdiction même où cette laïcité fait la plus grande avancée jamais vue au Canada.
  • En permettant le port de signes religieux par les fonctionnaires, la BCHA s’oppose frontalement au principe de séparation entre religion et État, un principe qui constitue le cœur de la laïcité.
  • En permettant le port de signes religieux par les enseignants et enseignantes, la BCHA se fout de la liberté de conscience des élèves, laissant ceux-ci exposés au prosélytisme religieux en milieu scolaire.
  • En permettant le port du couvre-visage par les fonctionnaires et par les usagers de services de l’État, la BCHA endosse la propagation d’un des pires symboles de la misogynie islamiste, un signe de l’asservissement de la femme et un étendard de la culture du viol.
  • En acceptant l’usage du terme « islamophobie », la BCHA consent à la confusion entre croyances et croyants, brouillant la distinction, cruciale pour la laïcité, qui permet de respecter les droits des croyants sans compromettre le droit de critiquer les croyances.
  • En acquiesçant à l’amalgame entre « islamophobie » et « racisme », la BCHA permet ainsi aux fanatiques religieux de condamner la nécessaire critique des croyances religieuses.
  • En associant l’attaque de la mosquée de Québec au « nationalisme blanc », la BCHA cache la vraie nature de cette attaque et empêche de comprendre les causes des actes de violence contre les groupes religieux.

Le bilan est clair. S’opposer à la prière parlementaire ne suffit pas. La BCHA est non seulement une association anti-laïque et anti-seculière, ses prises de positions sont aussi carrément irresponsables car celles-ci risquent d’attiser les tensions sociales et augmenter ainsi les risques d’actes de violence à l’avenir. Au Canada, les musulmans pieux, voire intégristes, ne sont pas stigmatisés ; au contraire, ils sont privilégiés et honorés. Ce sont plutôt les partisans de la laïcité — y compris les musulmans laïques — qui sont stigmatisés et dénigrés.

De toute évidence, la tuerie à la mosquée de Québec en janvier 2017 était motivée par la peur de l’islam ou de l’islamisme, une peur tout à fait légitime mais qui s’est exprimée alors en une horrible et meurtrière attaque contre des musulmans ordinaires qui ne faisaient que pratiquer leur religion en privé dans un lieu de culte. Rappelons que la Charte de la laïcité proposée par le gouvernement péquiste est morte en avril 2014, presque trois ans avant la tuerie, tandis que la Loi 21 n’a été adoptée par le gouvernement caquiste que le 16 juin 2019, presque deux ans et demi après la tuerie. Qui était au pouvoir au Québec durant cette période de plusieurs années ? Il s’agit du Parti libéral du Québec (PLQ) que dirigeait le premier ministre Philippe Couillard, un parti qui s’est opposé farouchement aux deux projets laïques, un parti qui stigmatisait toute personne qui appuyait la laïcité, un parti qui rejetait comme de la « xénophobie » toute inquiétude à l’égard de la propagation de l’islam radical dans la société. Pendant cette période, plusieurs attentats islamistes ont eu lieu en France, en particulier l’attentat chez Charlie Hebdo en janvier 2015, le massacre au Bataclan à Paris en novembre 2015 et l’attaque au camion-bélier à Nice en juillet 2016. La peur de l’islamisme était à son comble au Québec grâce à la complaisance du PLQ. Et, je le répète, cette peur était légitime.

Quand je dis que la peur de l’islam ou de l’islamisme est justifiée, je ne confonds pas les deux. Laissons de côté pour un moment l’islamisme et ne considérons que l’islam tout court. Selon cette religion, l’apostasie, c’est-à-dire exercer sa liberté de conscience en quittant la religion, est un péché très grave et ce dogme se traduit par des lois draconiennes qui criminalisent l’apostasie dans plusieurs pays à majorité musulmane. Au fait, les apostats risquent la peine de mort dans six de ces pays. Une religion qui impose de telles violences psychiques et physiques est extrêmement dangereuse et liberticide. Il serait imprudent de ne pas en avoir peur. Nos gouvernements ont le devoir de prendre des mesures appropriées pour freiner la propagation des idéologies religieuses liberticides, par exemple en adoptant de la législation comme la Loi 21 au Québec.

Si la Charte de la laïcité proposée par le PQ ou la Loi 21 adoptée par la CAQ avait été en vigueur en début 2017, cette tuerie à Québec aurait probablement pu être évitée, car une telle loi aurait indiqué à la population que son gouvernement agit contre la menace islamiste. Au moins, les lanceurs d’alerte et les partisans de la laïcité n’auraient pas été aussi stigmatisés par un gouvernement fainéant et irresponsable comme celui du PLQ.

En occultant la nature et le contexte de cette attaque, la BCHA affiche un comportement aussi irresponsable que celui du gouvernement Couillard. Comprenez-moi bien, je n’accuse personne d’être littéralement « complice » de cette attaque ; une telle accusation serait hautement exagérée. De plus, les liens entre les mesures sociales et le comportement des extrémistes sont complexes, instables et ne peuvent être résumées en une simple relation de cause à effet. Tout de même, si on veut réellement réduire les risques que de tels gestes d’extrême violence ne se reproduisent, il est évident que les mesures suivantes sont à conseiller :

  • Cesser de véhiculer la désinformation au sujet de la Loi 21 (p.ex., le mensonge qu’elle serait « discriminatoire ») et cesser de vilipender ceux et celles qui l’appuient.
  • Répudier la motion M-103 afin de rejeter le terme tendancieux « islamophobie » et casser le faux amalgame entre appartenance religieuse et race, pour ne plus faciliter la tâche aux propagandistes islamistes.
  • Couper toute subvention publique aux associations islamiques — comme celles accordées à la Muslim Association of Canada — pour que l’argent des contribuables ne serve plus à permettre à ces associations d’instrumentaliser la mouvance antiraciste afin de promouvoir l’islam.

Liens vers les prises de position BCHA

  • Opposition à la Loi 21 : Reiterating our opposition to Quebec’s Bill 21
    “Bill 21, as it stands, invokes government control over the personal clothing choices of individuals and therefore stands in opposition to Humanism’s principles; therefore, we oppose Quebec’s Bill 21.”
    (« La Loi 21, telle qu’elle est écrite, impose le contrôle du gouvernement sur les choix vestimentaires personnels des individus et s’oppose donc aux principes de l’humanisme ; par conséquent, nous nous opposons à la Loi 21 du Québec. »)
  • Allégation de « racisme » contre la Loi 21 : Quebec’s “state laicity” law undermines secularism
    “[…]these quasi-authoritarian measures will fall disproportionately on women, immigrants, members of minority faiths and people of colour.”
    (« […]ces mesures quasi autoritaires toucheront de manière disproportionnée les femmes, les immigrés, les membres de confessions minoritaires et les personnes de couleur. »)
  • Opposition à l’interdiction du port de couvre-visage : Recognizing Discrimination against the Nonreligious
    “Some in Quebec have argued this prohibition is consistent with secularism but we, and other secular organizations, strongly reject this argument.”
    (« Certains au Québec ont fait valoir que cette interdiction est conforme au sécularisme, mais nous, et d’autres organisations séculières, rejetons fermement cet argument. »)
  • Promotion du soi-disant « multiculturalisme séculier » : Recognizing Discrimination against the Nonreligious
    “While laïcité shares many aspects with English Canada’s secular multiculturalism, it often takes a more anti-religious flavour.”
    (« Alors que la laïcité partage de nombreux aspects avec le multiculturalisme séculier du Canada anglais, elle prend souvent une saveur plus anti-religieuse. »)
  • Complaisance à l’égard de la motion M-103 : Recognizing Discrimination against the Nonreligious
    “[…]we do not believe it’s this government’s intent to stifle honest criticism of radical strains of Islam or religion more generally. We are concerned though that the extreme rhetoric around this ultimately pedantic point risks dwarfing other important issues surrounding systemic racism and religious (and nonreligious) discrimination before the committee.”
    (« […]nous ne croyons pas que ce gouvernement ait l’intention d’étouffer les critiques honnêtes des tendances radicales de l’islam ou de la religion en général. Nous craignons cependant que la rhétorique extrême autour de ce point finalement pédant risque d’éclipser d’autres questions importantes entourant le racisme systémique et la discrimination religieuse (et non religieuse) devant le comité. »)
  • Allégations d’« idéologie nationaliste blanche » dans un contexte religieux : 1.7 White Nationalism is Anathema to Humanism
    “[…]we are deeply concerned about the string of recent attacks in Norway, Quebec City, Charlottesville, Christchurch and elsewhere that were motivated by white nationalist ideology.”
    (« […]nous sommes profondément préoccupés par la série d’attaques récentes en Norvège, à Québec, à Charlottesville, à Christchurch et ailleurs, motivées par l’idéologie nationaliste blanche. »)

Next blog: Bias in 2021 Election Leaders’ Debate

Pauline Marois: 2022 International Secularism Prize

2022-11-18, Link added 2022-11-19

2022 International Secularism Prize awarded to Madame Pauline Marois, former Premier of Quebec.

Sommaire en français Prix international de la laïcité 2022, décerné à Mme Pauline Marois, ancienne première ministre du Québec.

Pauline Marois, Quebec’s first woman premier (2012-2014) has just been honoured by the Comité Laïcité République (CLR) in Paris who have awarded her the Prix international de la laïcité (International Secularism Prize) for her contribution to secularism—for the deconfessionalization of Quebec schools and for the Charter of Secularism which her government proposed in 2013. Although that government was defeated in 2014, before the Charter could be adopted, it was a major precursor, paving the way for Bill 21, adopted five years later by the CAQ government.

Madame Marois has often been the target of vicious hatred from both unscrupulous antisecularists and anti-Québécois ethnic bigots, two groups which overlap greatly and are currently allied in vilifying Bill 21. In fact, Mme Marois was the target of an assassination attempt during a victory celebration, the very evening of her election victory on September 4th 2012. Although unsuccessful in hitting his presumed target, because his weapon jammed, the would-be assassin nevertheless did kill one person, a technician, and seriously wounded another.

It is indeed gratifying that Pauline Marois’ major contributions to the cause of secularism have now been recognized internationally.


Here are a few excerpts from Madame Marois’ acceptance speech:

It took until the end of the 1990s, when I was Minister of Education, to conclude delicate negotiations with religious authorities, the English-speaking community and the federal government in order to remove the constitutional obstacle which prevented the creation of French and English linguistic school boards.


The federal State dominated by English Canada claims to be postcolonial, postnational and multicultural. Paradoxically, it considers that the only acceptable referents in terms of rights and freedoms are its own. Thus, for the Canadian government and the English-language media, the decisions of the European Court of Justice with regard to the wearing of religious symbols are totally discriminatory.


I will not force you to listen to the religious edicts, each one more misogynistic than the previous, but it seems undeniable to me that people on the left who have abandoned the defense of secularism have lost part of their soul along the way.

Let us be clear, secularism does not in itself guarantee the liberation and equality of women, but it is an essential ingredient.


By clearly separating knowledge from beliefs, secularism promotes a spirit of tolerance. In a secular and democratic state, everyone is free as regards their faith, but the rules that define the art of living together should not be determined by religious precepts.


Next blog: La vraie nature de la BCHA

Pauline Marois : Prix international de la laïcité 2022

2022-11-17, Lien ajouté 2022-11-19

Prix international de la laïcité 2022, décerné à Mme Pauline Marois, ancienne première ministre du Québec

Summary in English 2022 International Secularism Prize awarded to Madame Pauline Marois, former Premier of Quebec.

Pauline Marois, première femme à être élue première ministre du Québec (2012-2014), vient de recevoir à Paris le Prix international de la laïcité, décerné par le Comité Laïcité République (CLR), pour ses contributions à la laïcisation du Québec — d’abord la déconfessionalisation du système scolaire québécois et ensuite la Charte de la laîcité proposée par son gouvernement en 2013. Bien que ce gouvernement ait été défait en 2014, avant qu’il puisse adopter cette Charte, celle-ci a été un précurseur majeur, ouvrant la voie à la Loi 21, adoptée cinq ans plus tard par le gouvernement caquiste.

Madame Marois a souvent été la cible de campagnes de haine de la part d’antilaïques sans scrupules et de fanatiques anti-québécois, deux groupes qui se chevauchent grandement et qui sont actuellement alliés pour vilipender la Loi 21. En fait, Mme Marois a été la cible d’une tentative d’assassinat au moment même où l’on célébrait sa victoire électorale, le soir du 4 septembre 2012. L’auteur de l’attaque a raté sa cible présumée, puisque son arme s’est enrayée, mais il a néanmoins tué une personne, un technicien, et blessé grièvement une autre.

Il est en effet gratifiant que les contributions majeures de Pauline Marois à la cause de la laïcité soient maintenant reconnues internationalement.


Voici quelques extraits du discours d’acceptation de Mme Marois :

Il aura fallu attendre la fin des années 1990, au moment où j’étais ministre de l’Éducation, pour conclure de délicates négociations avec les autorités religieuses, la communauté anglophone et l’État fédéral afin de lever l’obstacle constitutionnel qui empêchait la création de commissions scolaires linguistiques francophones et anglophones.


L’État fédéral dominé par le Canada anglais se dit postcolonial, postnational et multiculturel. Paradoxalement, il considère que les seuls référents acceptables en matière de droits et libertés sont les siens. Ainsi, pour le gouvernement canadien et les médias anglophones, les décisions de la Cour européenne de justice à l’égard du port des signes religieux sont totalement discriminatoires.


Je ne vous imposerai pas l’écoute des édits religieux plus misogynes les uns que les autres, mais il me semble indéniable que les gens de gauche qui ont abandonné la défense de la laïcité ont perdu une partie de leur âme en chemin.

Entendons-nous, la laïcité ne garantit pas à elle seule la libération et l’égalité des femmes, mais elle en est un ingrédient essentiel.


En séparant clairement le savoir et les croyances, la laïcité favorise l’esprit de tolérance. Dans un État laïc et démocratique, chacun est libre de sa foi, mais les règles qui définissent l’art de vivre ensemble ne doivent pas être déterminées par des préceptes religieux.


Next blog: 2022 International Secularism Prize awarded to Madame Pauline Marois

The Great Canadian Euphemism

Bonne Fête nationale québécoise !

2022-06-24, Addendum 2022-06-26

In his speech before the Académie française, Quebec Minister of the French Language Simon Jolin-Barrette was totally correct in denouncing Canadian multiculturalism, as well as defamatory reactions against Bills 21 and 96 by English-language media.

Sommaire en français Dans son discours devant l’Académie française, le ministre québécois de la Langue française, Simon Jolin-Barrette, a eu tout à fait raison de dénoncer le multiculturalisme canadien, ainsi que les propos diffamatoires des médias anglophones contre les Lois 21 et 96.

Yesterday, 23rd June 2022, Simon Jolin-Barrette, Quebec Minister of the French Language, gave a formal speech before the Académie française in Paris. It was an exceptional moment, for rarely does the Académie invite foreigners to make such an address. Moreover, this is the first time in its nearly 400 year history that an elected representative who is neither head of State nor head of a government has been so invited.

As Quebec recently adopted legislation, Bill 96, which updates and reforms its Charte de la langue française, adopted in 1977 and known colloquially as Bill 101, Jolin-Barrette’s theme was, not surprisingly, the protection and reinforcement of the French language. He invited France to partner with Quebec with that goal in mind.

Jolin-Barrette referred to the increasing predominance of the English language and technology giants known as GAFAM as the “Anglo-American steamroller.” But it was perhaps his comments critical of multiculturalism—hardly controversial for the French—which ruffled the most feathers back home in this country, especially among Anglo-Canadians:

Although our project is thwarted by Canadian multiculturalism, which finds an equivalent in what you call communitarianism and which fights Quebec’s claims to be a distinct nation, the French language must truly become the language of use for all Quebecers…

He also denounced how many English-language media, both Canadian and American, have defamed Quebec and denigrated the actions of his government, particularly with regard to the secularism law (Bill 21) as well as Bill 96. Such media have endeavoured to paint those laws as regressive and authoritarian. But in his opinion, “Our fight for the French language is just, it is a universal fight, that of a nation that has peacefully resisted the will to power of the strongest.”

Simon Jolin-Barrette is absolutely right on both counts: (1) the perniciousness of the Canadian ideology of multiculturalism and (2) the defamatory reaction against Bills 21 and 96.

Canadian multiculturalism is a dishonest euphemism whose true meaning is cultural relativism, clientelism and a bigotry of low expectations, treating minorities as static, well circumscribed and distinct from the majority. It represents the death of universalism and a return to tribalism. A prime example of the consequences of multiculturalism is the experience of Yasmine Mohammed who, after suffering much abuse as a teenager at the hands of her pious Muslim step-father, was abandoned by Canadian authorities, both police and judge, who refused to take action because “different cultures are free to discipline their children in different ways.” Other consequences include all sorts of so-called “reasonable accommodations” (which should instead be called “unreasonable religious accommodations”) such as depriving children of music because of their parents’ religion, allowing—even celebrating—the veiling of young girls, thus endorsing a form of child abuse, allowing civil servants to wear religious symbols while on duty (which Bill 21 bans in Quebec) and so on.

The Québécois oppose Canadian multiculturalism because it reduces them to just another minority, which leads inexorably to Anglo-supremacy. Under Canadian multiculturalism, every language is reduced to folklore status, except English of course. Bravo Quebec for standing up for cultural and linguistic diversity!

Canadian multiculturalism is incompatible with secularism, because secularism requires that all citizens be treated equally, regardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof. Neither Christians, nor atheists, nor Muslims, nor any other specific group should be allowed to display their personal religious opinions or identity while working in the civil service. This is called universalism and it is a core value of secularism. Those Anglo-Canadians who claim to be secularists need to face that reality.

Multiculturalism is the Great Canadian Euphemism. Proponents of this retrograde ideology arrogate to themselves the moral high ground, as if anyone who criticizes it were morally stunted or even “racist.” Their hypocrisy is obvious. Not only is multiculturalism a throwback to tribal days before the advent of universal human rights, it is also a tool used by anti-secularists to rationalize their anti-Québécois ethnic bigotry.

On this 24th of June 2022, a holiday here in Quebec, the Fête nationale, we celebrate Québécois language and culture. (This blog is in English because Anglo-Canadians are the ones who most need to read it.) Taking steps to protect the French language in Quebec is in everyone’s interest, including English-speakers, because without it, Canada and North America would be culturally much poorer. Without French language and culture, without Quebec, would Canada be anything more than a pale replica of the USA?


Here is another example of Canadian multiculturalism in action: No child protection for Syrian refugee punched and lashed in N.S. for texting with a boy

Authorities used confusion about the victim’s age as an excuse to do nothing. The teenage girl was the target of a severe beating, enough to break her nose apparently. Whether she was 15 or 16 at the time, her father must be held accountable. But this is Canada. Would this have been allowed if the family were not immigrants from a Muslim country?

Next blog: Flawed Constitutions

The Patriots of Lower Canada

An Important Event in the History of Secularism in North America


The 1838 Declaration of Independence of Lower Canada is a major milestone in the history of secularism.

Sommaire en français La Déclaration d’indépendance du Bas-Canada de 1838 est un jalon majeur dans l’histoire de la laïcité.

During the period between the British conquest of New France in 1763 (Treaty of Paris) and the formation (“Confederation”) of the Dominion of Canada composed of four provinces, the conquered territory went through several administrative changes:

  • 1763-1791: The former New France became a British colony named Province of Quebec.
  • 1791-1841: The Province of Quebec was divided into Upper Canada and Lower Canada, corresponding roughly to the southern parts of modern Ontario and Quebec respectively.
  • 1841-1867: Upper and Lower Canada were merged into a single colony called Province of Canada

In 1837-1838 an anti-colonial rebellion occurred in Lower Canada (now Quebec) which also inspired a similar but smaller rebellion in Upper Canada (now Ontario). The rebellion in Lower Canada was republican and secular in its aims. A major document of that rebellion is the 1838 Declaration of Independence of Lower Canada or Déclaration d’indépendance du Bas-Canada. It was authored by Robert Nelson, an Anglophone born in Lower Canada. It declares:

“That any union between Church and State is hereby declared to be dissolved, and every person shall have the right to exercise freely such religion or belief as his conscience dictates.”

(« Que toute union entre l’Église et l’État est par la présente déclarée être dissoute, et toute personne aura le droit d’exercer librement telle religion ou croyance qui lui sera dictée par sa conscience. »)

The Declaration also granted equal rights to native peoples.

Of course the Declaration never came into effect, because the rebels were no match for British imperial power and the rebellion was crushed. Several rebels were hanged at the Pied-du-Courant prison in Montreal. Many were exiled. The famous song Un Canadien errant by Antoine Gérin-Lajoie was inspired by the sight of a ship sending 141 condemned men into exil in Australia:

“A wandering Canadien, banished from his homeland, wept as he roamed foreign lands…”

(« Un Canadien errant, banni de ses foyers, parcourait en pleurant des pays étrangers.… »)

The 1841 merger of Upper and Lower Canada into a single colony was done on the recommendation of Lord Durham who was mandated by the British authorities to investigate the causes of rebellion. He also recommended accelerating British immigration. The goal was to anglicize French-speaking Lower Canadians by marginalizing them in a sea of English-speakers. (Today, such a strategy would probably be called cultural genocide.)

The Lower Canada rebels were called “Patriotes” and they are celebrated by a statutory holiday “Journée nationale des Patriotes” in late May. (It’s the queen’s birthday in Canada outside Quebec.) This year 2022 it is on May 23rd. As secularists, we remember their fight for freedom, democracy and secularism.

I have also written about the Patriots in a previous blog “Screw the Monarchy! Vivent les patriotes !

Next blog: The Dogmatism of the Post-Left

Religious Symbol & Face-Covering Bans in Other Countries

Quebec Bill 21 is only one of many such laws

2021-12-26, Updated 2021-12-27

What opponents of Bill 21 never talk about: the many laws in other countries which stipulate similar bans, but often stronger, more extensive ones.

Sommaire en français Ce dont les opposants à la Loi 21 ne parlent jamais : les nombreuses lois dans d’autres pays qui prévoient des interdictions similaires, mais souvent plus fortes, plus étendues. La compilation des données est disponible en français : Lois restreignant les couvre-visage et les signes religieux

Many other countries have laws similar to Bill 21, but often stronger. For example:

  • Religious symbols are banned for public servants in France, in Geneva and in two “Länder” of Germany. In particular, the Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland bans religious symbols throughout the civil service, but with the proviso that it applies when the employee is in contact with the public.
  • Religious symbols are banned in public schools in France, parts of Belgium and in Pennsylvania.
  • Face-coverings are banned in public in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Chad, Denmark, Egypt, France, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, etc. Morocco also bans the manufacture and sale of the burqa.
  • Face-coverings are banned in public services (employees and users, as in Quebec) in Italy [Lombardy], Malaysia, Netherlands and Tunisia.
  • Face-coverings are banned for public servants in Algeria and Germany.

When it comes to restrictions on religious symbols and/or face-coverings, there are two extreme positions:

  1. Ban them everywhere. I have only known one person who held such a draconian view.
  2. Ban them nowhere. This extremist position is apparently held by most opponents of Quebec Bill 21 (because they rarely specify any alternative, just a complete repeal).

A reasonable position is somewhere in between these two extremes: i.e. ban religious symbols (for secular reasons) and face-coverings (for reasons of security, identification, communication and women’s rights) in contexts where a ban will not unduely encroach upon some people’s freedoms while it protects others’ freedoms. That is precisely what Bill 21 does, although it is a little too weak and needs to be extended to the entire civil service.

Secularists choose a position somewhere midway between the two extremes, not because it is midway (that would be just the Fallacy of the Mean) but because in this situation it maximizes human rights, whereas the two extremes threaten such rights. Banning religious symbols worn by civil servants while on the job extends everyone’s freedom from religion, while putting only a small, well-circumscribed restriction on freedom of religious expression (i.e. religious practice) for State employees. Such a ban puts no restriction whatsoever on freedom of religious belief. In other words, it treats religious expression similar to how political expression is treated: with some restriction in the workplace.

The extremist position (2) holds that any ban is an encroachment on personal freedoms. This is libertarianism on steroids and is unacceptable because it gives absolute freedom to the wearer while completely neglecting the rights of others.

By adopting Bill 21 in June of 2019, Quebec joined the many countries listed above. In reaction, the arrogance and ignorance of Canadian anti-secularists have been infinite. Will they now claim that all those countries are populated or controlled by Christian supremacists with nefarious motives?

The page Laws Restricting Face-Coverings and Religious Symbols provides a compilation with full details. I update it periodically. Please let me know if you find any errors or omissions. (Links to relevant on-line articles are helpful. Links to actual legislation are even better.)

Next blog: Repeal Citizenship Regulation 17.1.b

Inapte à être juge


La nomination récente d’Azimuddin Hussain à la magistrature de la Cour supérieure du Québec révèle un parti pris extrême.

Summary in English The recent appointment of Azimuddin Hussain to the bench of Quebec Superior Court reveals extreme bias. This blog is available in English: Unworthy To Be a Judge.

Hier (20 décembre 2021) nous avons appris la nouvelle : l’avocat Azimuddin Hussain vient d’être nommé juge à la Cour supérieure du Québec. Hussain a fait la une des journaux il y a un an, lorsqu’en novembre et décembre 2020, il a représenté un opposant à la Loi 21 devant ce même tribunal. Dans ses commentaires devant la cour, Hussain a fait un parallèle bizarre entre la Loi 21 et les lois de Nuremberg adoptées par l’Allemagne nazie en 1935. En somme, Hussain a observé que les lois de Nuremberg ont conduit au génocide et à l’holocauste, laissant ainsi comprendre que cette Loi 21 pourrait avoir des conséquences aussi néfastes.

Rappelons que les lois de Nuremberg refusaient la citoyenneté allemande aux Juifs (ainsi qu’aux Roms et aux Noirs) et interdisaient les mariages mixtes et les relations extraconjugales entre Juifs et Allemands. Par contre, la Loi 21 exige que certains fonctionnaires et enseignants retirent, lorsqu’ils sont au travail, tout signe religieux qu’ils porteraient normalement. C’est tout. La Loi 21 ne s’applique pas en dehors du travail.

Les propos de Hussain ont été bien plus sérieux qu’une simple comparaison entre deux choses disparates. C’est plutôt comme s’il avait mis sur un pied d’égalité une théière et un Tyrannosaurus rex. Pour ne rien arranger, le juge Marc-André Blanchard ne s’y est opposé en aucune façon. Cet incident s’inscrit dans le cadre de la campagne générale, menée par les opposants à la laïcité, pour dénigrer et diaboliser la Loi 21 et ses partisans.

Hussain a fait son commentaire un vendredi. Le lundi matin suivant, il a affirmé qu’il avait été mal interprété par les médias. Alors le juge lui a répondu : « Je vous assure que j’ai compris vos comparaisons comme étant purement rhétoriques. » À mon avis, cela constitue un sérieux biais et un manque de jugement majeur de la part de Blanchard.

Cependant, d’autres incidents sont survenus durant ce procès de la Cour supérieure, des échanges sans doute aussi graves, voire pires. À un moment donné, Hussain, dans sa détermination à discréditer le témoignage du témoin expert (pour le MLQ) Jacques Beauchemin, l’a qualifié de « homme blanc hétérosexuel plus âgé qui ne porte aucun signe religieux ». Lors d’une précédente audience du tribunal, Hussain a également déprécié un autre témoin expert, le professeur Georges-Auguste Legault, en le traitant d’« homme blanc » afin de discréditer son témoignage. Étant donné que le sexe, l’âge, la couleur de peau et l’orientation sexuelle n’ont aucune pertinence dans ce contexte, les commentaires de Hussain étaient totalement inappropriés. Ce qui est encore plus troublant, c’est que le juge Blanchard a écouté tout cela passivement, n’y faisant aucune objection, aucune tentative de réprimander Hussain pour son comportement inapproprié.

À mon avis, pour les raisons ci-dessus, ainsi que pour de nombreux autres aspects de ce procès l’année dernière, le juge Blanchard ainsi que Azimuddin Hussain doivent être considérés comme indignes du poste de juge à la Cour supérieure du Québec. Tous deux manquent de l’objectivité nécessaire pour occuper ce poste.

La nomination de Hussain révèle également que le ministre fédéral de la justice David Lametti et ceux qui l’ont conseillé doivent aussi être extrêmement biaisés.

Liens pertinents

Prochain blogue: Religious Symbol & Face-Covering Bans in Other Countries

Unworthy To Be a Judge


The recent appointment of Azimuddin Hussain to the bench of Quebec Superior Court reveals extreme bias.

Sommaire en français La nomination récente d’Azimuddin Hussain à la magistrature de la Cour supérieure du Québec révèle un parti pris extrême. Ce blogue est disponible en français : Inapte à être juge.

Yesterday (Dec. 20, 2021) we learned that the lawyer Azimuddin Hussain has been named to the bench, as judge of Quebec Superior Court. Hussain was very much in the news a year ago, when in November and December of 2020 he represented an opponent of Bill 21 before that very court. In his comments at that time, Hussain drew an outrageous parallel between Bill 21 and the Nuremberg Laws adopted by Nazi Germany in 1935. Basically, Hussain observed that the Nuremberg Laws led to genocide and holocaust, thus implying that Bill 21 could lead to something as serious.

Recall that the Nuremberg Laws denied German citizenship to Jews (as well as Romani and Blacks) and banned intermarriage and extramarital intercourse between Jews and Germans. On the other hand, Bill 21 requires that some civil servants and teachers remove any religious symbols they normally wear when they are on the job. That is all. Bill 21 does not apply when off the job.

Hussain’s words were much worse than just comparing apples and oranges—more like comparing a teapot with a Tyrannosaurus rex. To make matters worse, the judge Marc-André Blanchard did not object in any way. This incident is part of the general campaign, by the opponents of secularism, to denigrate and demonize Bill 21 and its supporters.

Hussain’s comment was made on a Friday. The following Monday morning, Hussain claimed he had been misinterpreted by the media and the judge responded, “I assure you that I understood your comparisons as being purely rhetorical.” In my opinion, this constitutes serious bias and a major lack of judgment by Blanchard.

However, other incidents during that case last year were arguably as bad or even worse. At one point, Hussain, in his determination to discredit the testimony of the expert witness (for the MLQ) Jacques Beauchemin, referred to him as “an older white male heterosexual who does not wear a religious symbol.” In an earlier court session, Hussain also belittled another expert witness, professor Georges-Auguste Legault, by calling him “a white man” in order to discredit his testimony. Given that sex, age, skin colour and sexual orientation are of no relevance in this context, Hussain’s comments were completely inappropriate. Even more disturbing was that Judge Blanchard listened to all this passively and made no objection, no attempt to reprimand Hussain for his improper behaviour.

In my opinion, for the above reasons, as well as for many other aspects of the court case last year, both Judge Blanchard and Azimuddin Hussain must be considered unworthy of the position of Judge of Quebec Superior Court. Both lack the necessary objectivity to occupy that position.

The appointment of Hussain also reveals that Federal Justice Minister David Lametti and those who advised Lametti must also be extremely biased.

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Next blog: Inapte à être juge